Fabio Paratici appeals to FIFA against extension of ban from football


Fabio Paratici appeals to FIFA against extension of ban from football

Fabio Paratici file photograph
Fabio Paratici file photographProfimedia
Fabio Paratici, former Juventus director, who has had to give up his latest job at Spurs, has decided to appeal to the world's top football body against his worldwide ban.

As reported by Sky Sports, Paratici has now decided to appeal to FIFA itself to request the cancellation of the extension of the ban that has hit him in the capital gains investigation in which Juventus is involved.

The Italian was given a 30-month suspension for 'financial wrongdoing'. A measure that was originally only applicable to Italian football, but was later extended by FIFA to the whole world, and thus forced the executive to resign from his old post at Tottenham, a team he had joined with former Juventus coach Antonio Conte, who is currently without a team.

His reaction, however, did not take long, and Paratici has wished to challenge such a measure to the planetary football organisation.

At Juve from 2010 to 2021, Paratici received the heaviest penalty of all those convicted in the Prisma investigation, in which the Piedmontese club was awarded a 15 points deduction.

It should also be remembered that, on April 19th, the ruling following the Turin club's appeal will take place, which in turn has decided to appeal to the Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport at CONI.

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